Source code for

# pylint: disable=line-too-long
import copy
import re
from numpy import dtype, array, invert, take

__all__ = ('generate_xdmf',)

xdmffile = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Xdmf xmlns:xi="" Version="2.1">
    <Grid Name="Structured Grid" GridType="Collection" CollectionType="Temporal">
      <Time TimeType="List"><DataItem Format="XML" Dimensions="{1}"> {0} </DataItem></Time>

def get_grid(geometry, topology, attrs):
    return """<Grid GridType="Uniform">
      """.format(geometry, topology, attrs)

def get_geometry(kind=0, dim=2):
    assert kind in (0, 1)
    assert dim in (2, 3)
    if dim == 2:
        if kind == 0:
            return """<Geometry Type="ORIGIN_DXDY">
          <DataItem Format="XML" NumberType="Float" Dimensions="2">
            {0} {1}
          <DataItem Format="XML" NumberType="Float" Dimensions="2">
            {2} {3}

        return """<Geometry Type="VXVYVZ">
          <DataItem Format="HDF" NumberType="Float" Precision="{0}" Dimensions="{1}">
          <DataItem Format="HDF" NumberType="Float" Precision="{0}" Dimensions="{2}">
          <DataItem Format="XML" NumberType="Float" Precision="8" Dimensions="1">

    if dim == 3:
        if kind == 0:
            return """<Geometry Type="ORIGIN_DXDYDZ">
          <DataItem Format="XML" NumberType="Float" Dimensions="3">
            {0} {1} {2}
          <DataItem Format="XML" NumberType="Float" Dimensions="3">
            {3} {4} {5}

        return """<Geometry Type="VXVYVZ">
          <DataItem Format="HDF" NumberType="Float" Precision="{0}" Dimensions="{3}">
          <DataItem Format="HDF" NumberType="Float" Precision="{0}" Dimensions="{2}">
          <DataItem Format="HDF" NumberType="Float" Precision="{0}" Dimensions="{1}">

def get_topology(dims, kind=0):
    assert len(dims) in (2, 3)
    co = 'Co' if kind == 0 else ''
    if len(dims) == 2:
        return """<Topology Dimensions="1 {0} {1}" Type="3D{2}RectMesh"/>""".format(dims[0], dims[1], co)
    if len(dims) == 3:
        return """<Topology Dimensions="{0} {1} {2}" Type="3D{3}RectMesh"/>""".format(dims[0], dims[1], dims[2], co)

def get_attribute(attr, h5filename, dims, prec):
    name = attr.split("/")[0]
    assert len(dims) in (2, 3)
    if len(dims) == 2:
        return """<Attribute Name="{0}" Center="Node">
          <DataItem Format="HDF" NumberType="Float" Precision="{5}" Dimensions="1 {1} {2}">
        """.format(name, dims[0], dims[1], h5filename, attr, prec)

    return """<Attribute Name="{0}" Center="Node">
          <DataItem Format="HDF" NumberType="Float" Precision="{6}" Dimensions="{1} {2} {3}">
        """.format(name, dims[0], dims[1], dims[2], h5filename, attr, prec)

[docs]def generate_xdmf(h5filename, periodic=True, order='paraview'): """Generate XDMF-files Parameters ---------- h5filename : str Name of hdf5-file that we want to decorate with xdmf periodic : bool or dim-sequence of bools, optional If true along axis i, assume data is periodic. Only affects the calculation of the domain size and only if the domain is given as 2-tuple of origin+dx. order : str ``paraview`` or ``visit`` For some reason Paraview and Visit requires the mesh stored in opposite order in the XDMF-file for 2D slices. Make choice of order here. """ import h5py f = h5py.File(h5filename, 'a') keys = [] f.visit(keys.append) assert order.lower() in ('paraview', 'visit') # Find unique scalar groups of 2D and 3D datasets datasets = {2:{}, 3:{}} for key in keys: if f[key.split('/')[0]].attrs['rank'] > 0: continue if isinstance(f[key], h5py.Dataset): if not ('mesh' in key or 'domain' in key or 'Vector' in key): tstep = int(key.split("/")[-1]) ndim = int(key.split("/")[1][0]) if ndim in (2, 3): ds = datasets[ndim] if tstep in ds: ds[tstep] += [key] else: ds[tstep] = [key] if periodic is True: periodic = [0]*5 elif periodic is False: periodic = [1]*5 else: assert isinstance(periodic, (tuple, list)) periodic = list(array(invert(periodic), int)) coor = ['x0', 'x1', 'x2', 'x3', 'x4'] for ndim, dsets in datasets.items(): timesteps = list(dsets.keys()) per = copy.copy(periodic) if not timesteps: continue timesteps.sort(key=int) tt = "" for i in timesteps: tt += "%s " %i datatype = f[dsets[timesteps[0]][0]].dtype assert datatype.char not in 'FDG', "Cannot use generate_xdmf to visualize complex data." prec = 4 if datatype is dtype('float32') else 8 xff = {} geometry = {} topology = {} attrs = {} grid = {} NN = {} for name in dsets[timesteps[0]]: group = name.split('/')[0] if 'slice' in name: slices = name.split("/")[2] else: slices = 'whole' cc = copy.copy(coor) if slices not in xff: xff[slices] = copy.copy(xdmffile) N = list(f[name].shape) kk = 0 sl = 0 if 'slice' in slices: ss = slices.split("_") ii = [] for i, sx in enumerate(ss): if 'slice' in sx: ii.append(i) else: if len(f[group].attrs.get('shape')) == 3: # 2D slice in 3D domain kk = i sl = int(sx) N.insert(i, 1) cc = take(coor, ii) else: ii = list(range(ndim)) NN[slices] = N if 'domain' in f[group].keys(): if ndim == 2 and ('slice' not in slices or len(f[group].attrs.get('shape')) > 3): geo = get_geometry(kind=0, dim=2) assert len(ii) == 2 i, j = ii if order.lower() == 'paraview': data = [f[group+'/domain/{}'.format(coor[i])][0], f[group+'/domain/{}'.format(coor[j])][0], f[group+'/domain/{}'.format(coor[i])][1]/(N[0]-per[i]), f[group+'/domain/{}'.format(coor[j])][1]/(N[1]-per[j])] geometry[slices] = geo.format(*data) else: data = [f[group+'/domain/{}'.format(coor[j])][0], f[group+'/domain/{}'.format(coor[i])][0], f[group+'/domain/{}'.format(coor[j])][1]/(N[0]-per[j]), f[group+'/domain/{}'.format(coor[i])][1]/(N[1]-per[i])] geometry[slices] = geo.format(*data) else: if ndim == 2: ii.insert(kk, kk) per[kk] = 0 i, j, k = ii geo = get_geometry(kind=0, dim=3) data = [f[group+'/domain/{}'.format(coor[i])][0], f[group+'/domain/{}'.format(coor[j])][0], f[group+'/domain/{}'.format(coor[k])][0], f[group+'/domain/{}'.format(coor[i])][1]/(N[0]-per[i]), f[group+'/domain/{}'.format(coor[j])][1]/(N[1]-per[j]), f[group+'/domain/{}'.format(coor[k])][1]/(N[2]-per[k])] if ndim == 2: origin, dx = f[group+'/domain/x{}'.format(kk)] M = f[group].attrs.get('shape') pos = origin+dx/(M[kk]-per[kk])*sl data[kk] = pos data[kk+3] = pos geometry[slices] = geo.format(*data) topology[slices] = get_topology(N, kind=0) elif 'mesh' in f[group].keys(): if ndim == 2 and ('slice' not in slices or len(f[group].attrs.get('shape')) > 3): geo = get_geometry(kind=1, dim=2) else: geo = get_geometry(kind=1, dim=3) if ndim == 2 and ('slice' not in slices or len(f[group].attrs.get('shape')) > 3): if order.lower() == 'paraview': sig = (prec, N[0], N[1], h5filename, cc[0], cc[1], group) else: sig = (prec, N[1], N[0], h5filename, cc[1], cc[0], group) else: if ndim == 2: # 2D slice in 3D domain pos = f[group+"/mesh/x{}".format(kk)][sl] z = re.findall(r'<DataItem(.*?)</DataItem>', geo, re.DOTALL) geo = geo.replace(z[2-kk], ' Format="XML" NumberType="Float" Precision="{0}" Dimensions="{%d}">\n {%d}\n '%(1+kk, 7-kk)) cc = list(cc) cc.insert(kk, pos) sig = (prec, N[0], N[1], N[2], h5filename, cc[2], cc[1], cc[0], group) geometry[slices] = geo.format(*sig) topology[slices] = get_topology(N, kind=1) grid[slices] = '' # if slice of data, need to know along which axes # Since there may be many different slices, we need to create # one xdmf-file for each composition of slices attrs = {} for tstep in timesteps: d = dsets[tstep] slx = set() for i, x in enumerate(d): slices = x.split("/")[2] if not 'slice' in slices: slices = 'whole' N = NN[slices] if slices not in attrs: attrs[slices] = '' attrs[slices] += get_attribute(x, h5filename, N, prec) slx.add(slices) for slices in slx: grid[slices] += get_grid(geometry[slices], topology[slices], attrs[slices].rstrip()) attrs[slices] = '' for slices, ff in xff.items(): if 'slice' in slices: fname = h5filename[:-3]+"_"+slices+".xdmf" else: fname = h5filename[:-3]+".xdmf" xfl = open(fname, "w") h = ff.format(tt, len(timesteps), grid[slices].rstrip()) xfl.write(h) xfl.close() f.close()
if __name__ == "__main__": import sys generate_xdmf(sys.argv[-1])