Source code for mpi4py_fft.mpifft

import numpy as np

from .libfft import FFT
from .pencil import Pencil
from .pencil import Subcomm

[docs]class Transform(object): """Class for performing any parallel transform, forward or backward Parameters ---------- xfftn : list of serial transform objects transfer : list of global redistribution objects pencil : list of two pencil objects The two pencils represent the input and final output configuration of the distributed global arrays """ def __init__(self, xfftn, transfer, pencil): assert len(xfftn) == len(transfer) + 1 and len(pencil) == 2 self._xfftn = tuple(xfftn) self._transfer = tuple(transfer) self._pencil = tuple(pencil) @property def input_array(self): """Return input array of Transform""" return self._xfftn[0].input_array @property def output_array(self): """Return output array of Transform""" return self._xfftn[-1].output_array @property def input_pencil(self): """Return input pencil of Transform""" return self._pencil[0] @property def output_pencil(self): """Return output pencil of Transform""" return self._pencil[1]
[docs] def __call__(self, input_array=None, output_array=None, **kw): """Compute transform Parameters ---------- input_array : array, optional output_array : array, optional kw : dict parameters to serial transforms Note ---- If input_array/output_array are not given, then use predefined arrays as planned with serial transform object _xfftn. """ if input_array is not None: self.input_array[...] = input_array for i in range(len(self._transfer)): self._xfftn[i](**kw) arrayA = self._xfftn[i].output_array arrayB = self._xfftn[i+1].input_array self._transfer[i](arrayA, arrayB) self._xfftn[-1](**kw) if output_array is not None: output_array[...] = self.output_array return output_array else: return self.output_array
[docs]class PFFT(object): """Base class for parallel FFT transforms Parameters ---------- comm : MPI communicator shape : sequence of ints, optional shape of input array planned for axes : None, int, sequence of ints or sequence of sequence of ints, optional axes to transform over. - None -> All axes are transformed - int -> Just one axis to transform over - sequence of ints -> e.g., (0, 1, 2) or (0, 2, 1) - sequence of sequence of ints -> e.g., ((0,), (1,)) or ((0,), (1, 2)) For seq. of seq. of ints only the last inner sequence may be longer than 1. This corresponds to collapsing axes, where serial FFTs are performed for all collapsed axes in one single call dtype : np.dtype, optional Type of input array slab : bool, optional If True then distribute only one index of the global array padding : bool, number or sequence of numbers, optional If False, then no padding. If number, then apply this number as padding factor for all axes. If sequence of numbers, then each number gives the padding for each axis. Must be same length as axes. collapse : bool, optional If True try to collapse several serial transforms into one use_pyfftw : bool, optional Use pyfftw for serial transforms instead of local wrappers transforms : None or dict, optional Dictionary of axes to serial transforms (forward and backward) along those axes. For example:: {(0, 1): (dctn, idctn), (2, 3): (dstn, idstn)} If missing the default is to use rfftn/irfftn for real input arrays and fftn/ifftn for complex input arrays. Real-to-real transforms can be configured using this dictionary and real-to-real transforms from the :mod:`.fftw.xfftn` module. See Examples. Other Parameters ---------------- darray : DistArray object, optional Create PFFT using information contained in ``darray``, neglecting most optional Parameters above Methods ------- forward(input_array=None, output_array=None, **kw) Parallel forward transform. The method is an instance of the :class:`.Transform` class. See :meth:`.Transform.__call__` Parameters ---------- input_array : array, optional output_array : array, optional kw : dict parameters to serial transforms Returns ------- output_array : array backward(input_array=None, output_array=None, **kw) Parallel backward transform. The method is an instance of the :class:`.Transform` class. See :meth:`.Transform.__call__` Parameters ---------- input_array : array, optional output_array : array, optional kw : dict parameters to serial transforms Returns ------- output_array : array Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from mpi4py import MPI >>> from mpi4py_fft import PFFT, newDistArray >>> N = np.array([12, 14, 15], dtype=int) >>> fft = PFFT(MPI.COMM_WORLD, N, axes=(0, 1, 2)) >>> u = newDistArray(fft, False) >>> u[:] = np.random.random(u.shape).astype(u.dtype) >>> u_hat = fft.forward(u) >>> uj = np.zeros_like(u) >>> uj = fft.backward(u_hat, uj) >>> assert np.allclose(uj, u) Now configure with real-to-real discrete cosine transform type 3 >>> from mpi4py_fft.fftw import rfftn, irfftn, dctn, idctn >>> import functools >>> dct = functools.partial(dctn, type=3) >>> idct = functools.partial(idctn, type=3) >>> transforms = {(1, 2): (dct, idct)} >>> r2c = PFFT(MPI.COMM_WORLD, N, axes=((0,), (1, 2)), transforms=transforms) >>> u = newDistArray(r2c, False) >>> u[:] = np.random.random(u.shape).astype(u.dtype) >>> u_hat = r2c.forward(u) >>> uj = np.zeros_like(u) >>> uj = r2c.backward(u_hat, uj) >>> assert np.allclose(uj, u) """ def __init__(self, comm, shape=None, axes=None, dtype=float, slab=False, padding=False, collapse=False, use_pyfftw=False, transforms=None, darray=None, **kw): # pylint: disable=too-many-locals # pylint: disable=too-many-branches # pylint: disable=too-many-statements if shape is None: assert darray is not None shape = darray._p0.shape if axes is not None: axes = list(axes) if np.ndim(axes) else [axes] else: axes = list(range(len(shape))) if darray is not None: # Make sure aligned axis of darray is transformed first axes = list(np.roll(axes, len(shape)-1-darray.alignment)) for i, ax in enumerate(axes): if isinstance(ax, (int, np.integer)): if ax < 0: ax += len(shape) axes[i] = (ax,) else: assert isinstance(ax, (tuple, list)) ax = list(ax) for j, a in enumerate(ax): assert isinstance(a, int) if a < 0: a += len(shape) ax[j] = a axes[i] = ax assert min(axes[i]) >= 0 assert max(axes[i]) < len(shape) assert 0 < len(axes[i]) <= len(shape) assert sorted(axes[i]) == sorted(set(axes[i])) self.axes = axes shape = list(shape) if darray is None: dtype = np.dtype(dtype) assert dtype.char in 'fdgFDG' if padding is not False: assert len(padding) == len(shape) for ax in axes: if len(ax) == 1 and padding[ax[0]] > 1.0+1e-6: old = np.float(shape[ax[0]]) shape[ax[0]] = int(np.floor(shape[ax[0]]*padding[ax[0]])) padding[ax[0]] = shape[ax[0]] / old self._input_shape = tuple(shape) assert len(shape) > 0 assert min(shape) > 0 if isinstance(comm, Subcomm): assert slab is False assert len(comm) == len(shape) assert np.all([comm[ax].Get_size() == 1 for ax in axes[-1]]) self.subcomm = comm else: if slab is False or slab is None: dims = [0] * len(shape) for ax in axes[-1]: dims[ax] = 1 else: if slab is True: axis = (axes[-1][-1] + 1) % len(shape) else: axis = slab if axis < 0: axis = axis + len(shape) assert 0 <= axis < len(shape) dims = [1] * len(shape) dims[axis] = comm.Get_size() self.subcomm = Subcomm(comm, dims) else: dtype = darray.dtype self.subcomm = darray.subcomm self._input_shape = tuple(shape) commsizes = darray.commsizes assert np.all([commsizes[ax] == 1 for ax in axes[-1]]), "Set keyword axes such that axes to transform first are aligned" self.collapse = collapse if collapse is True: groups = [[]] for ax in reversed(axes): if np.all([self.subcomm[axis].Get_size() == 1 for axis in ax]): [groups[0].insert(0, axis) for axis in reversed(ax)] else: groups.insert(0, ax) axes = groups self.axes = tuple(map(tuple, axes)) self.xfftn = [] self.transfer = [] self.pencil = [None, None] axes = self.axes[-1] pencil = Pencil(self.subcomm, shape, axes[-1]) xfftn = FFT(pencil.subshape, axes, dtype, padding, use_pyfftw, transforms, **kw) self.xfftn.append(xfftn) self.pencil[0] = pencilA = pencil if not shape[axes[-1]] == xfftn.forward.output_array.shape[axes[-1]]: dtype = xfftn.forward.output_array.dtype shape[axes[-1]] = xfftn.forward.output_array.shape[axes[-1]] pencilA = Pencil(self.subcomm, shape, axes[-1]) for axes in reversed(self.axes[:-1]): pencilB = pencilA.pencil(axes[-1]) transAB = pencilA.transfer(pencilB, dtype) xfftn = FFT(pencilB.subshape, axes, dtype, padding, use_pyfftw, transforms, **kw) self.xfftn.append(xfftn) self.transfer.append(transAB) pencilA = pencilB if not shape[axes[-1]] == xfftn.forward.output_array.shape[axes[-1]]: dtype = xfftn.forward.output_array.dtype shape[axes[-1]] = xfftn.forward.output_array.shape[axes[-1]] pencilA = Pencil(pencilB.subcomm, shape, axes[-1]) self.pencil[1] = pencilA self._output_shape = tuple(shape) self.forward = Transform( [o.forward for o in self.xfftn], [o.forward for o in self.transfer], self.pencil) self.backward = Transform( [o.backward for o in self.xfftn[::-1]], [o.backward for o in self.transfer[::-1]], self.pencil[::-1])
[docs] def destroy(self): self.subcomm.destroy() for trans in self.transfer: trans.destroy()
[docs] def local_shape(self, forward_output=True): """The local (to each processor) shape of data Parameters ---------- forward_output : bool, optional Return shape of output array (spectral space) if True, else return shape of input array (physical space) """ if forward_output is not True: return self.forward.input_pencil.subshape return self.backward.input_pencil.subshape
[docs] def local_slice(self, forward_output=True): """The local view into the global data Parameters ---------- forward_output : bool, optional Return local slices of output array (spectral space) if True, else return local slices of input array (physical space) """ if forward_output is not True: ip = self.forward.input_pencil s = [slice(start, start+shape) for start, shape in zip(ip.substart, ip.subshape)] else: ip = self.backward.input_pencil s = [slice(start, start+shape) for start, shape in zip(ip.substart, ip.subshape)] return tuple(s)
[docs] def shape(self, forward_output=False): """Return shape of tensor for space Parameters ---------- forward_output : bool, optional If True then return shape of spectral space, i.e., the input to a backward transfer. If False then return shape of physical space, i.e., the input to a forward transfer. """ if forward_output: return self._output_shape return self._input_shape
[docs] def dimensions(self): """The number of dimensions for transformed arrays""" return len(self.forward.input_array.shape)
[docs] def dtype(self, forward_output=False): """The type of transformed arrays Parameters ---------- forward_output : bool, optional If True then return dtype of an array that is the result of a forward transform. Otherwise, return the dtype of an array that is input to a forward transform. """ if forward_output: return self.forward.output_array.dtype return self.forward.input_array.dtype